Archive for the ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger’ Category

We’ll Be Back

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

Dr. Honeydew finally discovered how to clone humans.  Kermit interviews some applicants but can’t seem to find a human to clone.  The candidate was their own security person Arnold Schwarzenegger.  The cloning kinda worked, but it was a good reminder that we are made in the image of God.

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A Day in the Life of a Children’s Pastor!

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

The 100th Toybox Tale is HERE!

Yes, Pastor Karl has made the 100th Toybox Tale – and to celebrate this momentous occasion, this 100th tale is NOT FOR KIDS! Nope, this tale is dedicated to KIDS PASTORS and those who lead children’s ministries. Created for the very first Kidology Online Training Video, this twelve minute toybox tale gives a glimpse into the reality of what it is like to be a children’s pastor! You’ll laugh, you’ll cringe, you might just cry! And you might just see yourself.

Children’s Pastor Todd McKeever writes, “This TBT on ‘A day in the life of a children’s pastor”‘was done so accurate and with tons of humor sprinkled in and a hard hitting message at the end that it is obvious that it was done with an intimate understanding from one who has lived it. Great job Karl.” Children’s Pastor Scott Neubaer writes, “I had to laugh – you sent us that link to the TBT Karl, and I tried to watch it but it took me literally three hours to watch it because I kept getting interrupted with various things.” You’ll get why this is funny when you see it for yourself!

You can watch an abbreviated 6 minute version at plus another crazy video of Karl in the Kidology Labs.

BONUS: Ever wondered how Karl makes these videos? For the first time ever for this 100th tale, he set up a camera filming himself filming the tale with the actual video in a picture-in-picture so you can see the process and the finished result simultaneously! Watch it here!

NOTE: This video is not available for download, but can be purchased as part of the Online Training Download Kit on

The Lover Man

Sunday, January 11th, 2004

Lover Man learns that there is more to love than kissing.  Love is putting the needs and feelings of others above your own.

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