Archive for the ‘Miss Piggy’ Category

Not An Apple

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

Adam and Eve are the special guests in Miss Piggy’s new talk show “Talk to the Pig.”  Adam recalls his hard work in the garden.  Eve remembers the day she was tempted by the serpent.  Also appearing in the show is the serpent, who talked about the sin of Adam and Eve leading to the fall of man.  The show ends well, knowing that God is merciful and loving despite our shortcomings.

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We’ll Be Back

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

Dr. Honeydew finally discovered how to clone humans.  Kermit interviews some applicants but can’t seem to find a human to clone.  The candidate was their own security person Arnold Schwarzenegger.  The cloning kinda worked, but it was a good reminder that we are made in the image of God.

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Little Mr. Ryan and Little Ms. Melissa

Sunday, March 19th, 2006

So what do you do when Pastor Karl takes a break from making new Toybox Tales? You make your own! Enjoy this tale from Pastor Ryan Wolfe of First Christian Church in Canton, Ohio. See Miss Piggy get sacrificed! Watch the “Hammer” defeat an army of evil enemies. Watch Antiochus Vader fail to try to blow out the candles of the Menorah, and more!

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Sunday, March 21st, 2004

The Pigs are in Space and everything is going fine until Miss Piggy is told something she can’t do, and she loses control and against the captains orders pushes the AGG lever, turning off the Artificial Gravitational Generator! It’s a lot of floating fun as she discovers there are consequences to not controlling yourself… especially to a poor chicken!

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I’m Sorry Son

Sunday, February 23rd, 2003

Miss Piggy hosts special guests about reconciliation on her show “Talk to the Pig.”  Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader forgive each other.  Leah also gets reconciled with her brother and father. Obi-Wan joined the group hug.  Darth Vader was so happy and wanted all of them to go to Disneyland.

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