Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Object Talks #024: The Kazoo and the Conductor’s Baton

Friday, June 10th, 2011

This video is a short object lesson featuring a kazoo that learns that he performs better when he follows the lead of the conductor’s baton, just as Christians do better when they follow the God given guides in their lives.

Featured Verse: Proverbs 19:20

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #6: “How to Make Good Choices”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #6: “How to Make Good Choices”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #021: The Jewelry Box and The Heart

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

This video is a short object lesson featuring a jewlry box bragging about his contents of gold and silver and rubies. A child’s heart points out that his contents of wisdom are far more valuable according to Scripture!

Featured Verse: Proverbs 8:10-11 and 16:16

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #6: “How to Make Good Choices”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #6: “How to Make Good Choices”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #019: The Receipe and the Cupcake

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

This video features a short object lesson featuring a recipe card and a cup cake discussing how behind every yummy snack is a recipe just like God has a plan for every Christians life.

Note: Watch for the “Cameo” by Luke’s hand (the Kidologist’s son!)

Featured Verse: Jeremiah 29:11

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #5: “How to Follow God’s Plan”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #5: “How to Follow God’s Plan”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #018: The Gold Ore and the Watch

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

This video features a bag of gold ore and a pocket watch discussing the importance of becoming more pure, more like Jesus, while there is still time, and how God uses the trials of life to refine Christian character.

Featured Verse: 1 Peter 1:7; Philippians 1:6

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #5: “How to Follow God’s Plan”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #5: “How to Follow God’s Plan”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #010: Fresh Fruit

Friday, December 31st, 2010

In this video, a fresh banana and one that is old and brown discuss service to the Lord. The fresh one represents fresh service to the Lord, and the old one signifies good deeds done long ago—once good but now stale. The old one finds out why being “fresh fruit” is important!

Featured Verse: 1 John 3:18

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #2: “How to Use My Bible”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #3: “How to Use Grow Spiritual Fruit
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #009: I’m a Banana!

Friday, December 31st, 2010

In this video, an orange meets an apple that claims it is a banana! The orange explains to the apple that because it came from an apple tree, it can only be an apple because fruit is determined by the tree it comes from, just as a person’s fruit is determines by his or her character.

Featured Verse: Matthew 12:33

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #3: “How to Grow Spiritual Fruit”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #3: “How to Use Grow Spiritual Fruit
(via Kidology Store)

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