Davey joins the game show “Where Ya Gonna Go?” where he can choose where he wants to go for a whole year. Disneyland? North Pole? Never Never Land? Davey asked Jesus for help and decided to go to a foreign land to learn their language and share the good news of Jesus.
On the pilot episode of the TBT “Apprentice,” a rich business man named Donald Chump, gives $100 to a group of toys and tells them, “Show me what you can do with $100.” Each of them runs off eager to get the job as his apprentice! They all buy or invest the money in some profitable way, but one toy uses all the money to give and bless others. She wins the contest!
This toybox tale about salvation shows a toy dropped into a place with old and broken toys. The toy was going to be picked up by a claw but escaped. Yoda explained that the claw was picking up toys to kids who want to play and love them. The toy wanted to be picked up but was too late and was taken by a monster instead.
There are over 100 videos on this site, all free for viewing online. Visit Buy Downloads for info on purchasing download or Products for DVDs and other resources.
NOTE: The website is currently in the process of updating all the videos to YouTube videos since the old flash ones no longer work. This site pre-dates YouTube! So we've got some work to do to update all the videos.
Check out the FAN MADE FILMS! Have you made your own ToyBoxTale? Let Karl know! Send a YouTube link, or ask for instructions on how to send large files and we will host the film for you.
Reverse Order?
Please note that category, season, and series lists are displayed in reverse order, as is the nature of blogs - to display posts newest to oldest. However, in the Digital ToyBox they are all listed in order of creation for downloading. (requires purchase)
Below you can browse by topic, characters used, or series. All the ToyBox Tales are FREE to watch online. Access to the Digital ToyBox provides video downloads you can save to your computer or project at church!