Archive for the ‘Bubble Gum’ Category

High Salt Musical

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

Karl, I finally received the Kidology Handbook this week. After 10 years in the ministry, this may be the best teacher training tool I’ve ever seen. So first, thanks for that. I loved the fact that you included A Day in the Life of a CM. That video was almost exactly like my last two weeks, except that you can add my 2 year old son, my wife, and I all had a stomach virus. I’ve never seen your Toy Box Tales before, but they have already inspired me to create my own Toy Box Tale. It’s my first. It only took me about an hour to create. It doesn’t go along with any Bible Story. It actually is a skit from the 3rd week of the Great ShakeUp curriculum from AWANA. So it may not make total sense to you. Here’s the link on YouTube: You can also check it out on my children’s ministry website at Keep up the good work! In Christ and at His feet,

Christopher G. Sykes, Parkview Baptist Church, AL