Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category

Object Talks #002: The Connection

Friday, November 6th, 2009

This is one of my little boy’s favorite Object Talks that he has on his iPod. I hear him quoting it in the other room, even though I know at age three he doesn’t get half the jokes! But he does understand prayer, and often reminds us at meals or bedtime to pray! Have you connected with God today?

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”
(via Kidology Store)

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Test Temptation

Monday, March 8th, 2004

It is exam time in a local school in Toybox Tale Land. ugg boot outlet Melissa is tempted by her friends to cheat as they got a hold of the answers. nike air max pas cher Melissa asks Jesus to help her resist, and she did. adidas superstar pas cher Turns out the questions were all scrambled so those who cheated got 100% wrong!

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The Trading Post

Sunday, January 12th, 2003

Would you trade your good qualities in order to get anything you want?  Trade honesty for good grades?  Exchange humility to be popular?  Some got tricked and become prisoners.  One girl stood up and got help from Jesus the Ultimate Rescue, who reminded the people not to trade their good qualities with what the world offers.

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Suey! Suey!

Sunday, November 24th, 2002

Meet Lance Dodgers, the greatest lawyer in the world.  He was on his way to making lots of money in the wrong way when a little girl asked him what God’s will is.  He ended up praying and praying to find out that His will isn’t about making money, but trusting our life to God and living a life of honesty.

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