Archive for the ‘Object Talks’ Category

Object Talks #014: The Dull and the Sharp Knife

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

This video features a short object lesson on Proverbs 27:17. Just as knives can sharpen each other, so friends sharpen each other.

Featured Verse: Proverbs 27:17

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #4: “How to Make Good Friends”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #4: “How to Make Good Friends”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #011: Feeling Grape

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

In this video, a watermelon and a bunch of grapes discuss the power of many small grapes when they are connected to the Vine.

Featured Verse: Luke 15:1,8

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #3: “How to Grow Spiritual Fruit”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #3: “How to Use Grow Spiritual Fruit
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #007: The Snowman and the Ear

Saturday, March 27th, 2010

This video teaches on the meaning of repentance and how the Bible contains warnings to keep us safe.

Object Talks #008: The Carplane and the Airmobile

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

In this video, two toy models – a “carplane” and an “airmobile” –  regret to discover that they were assembled without the instructions! They compare their plight with people who live without following the instructions in God’s Word.

Featured Verse: Jeremiah 29:11

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #2: “How to Use My Bible”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #2: “How to Use My Bible”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #006: The Sandwich and the Glass

Monday, November 30th, 2009

In this fun Object Talk, a conversation between a sandwich and a glass illustrates how the Bible is like a sandwich, until the preacher returns that is!

Featured Verse: Matthew 4:4

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #2: “How to Use My Bible”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #2: “How to Use My Bible”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #005: The Bottle and the Fork

Monday, November 30th, 2009

This video features a conversation between a growing fork who challenges his friend the baby bottle, who has remained back in a younger children’s class, to consider stepping up to some meatier spiritual food.

Featured Verse: Hebrews 5:14

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #2: “How to Use My Bible”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #2: “How to Use My Bible”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #004: Nerve to Serve

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

This is my son’s favorite Object Talk! All I have to do is quote the first line of this Object Talk at the dinner table, and soon we are quoting the next several minutes of it! Ketchup and mustard bottles will never be the same in our home!

Featured Verse: Romans 12:11

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #003: Live to Give

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

I wish I had titled this “The Lock and the Rock,” but sometimes you think of a better title later. In this Object Talk, you have a serious padlock who is quite serious about locking things up learning that sometimes security isn’t the most important thing when he meets a valuable ring that is about to be given away because of love!

Featured Verse: Proverbs 11:24

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #002: The Connection

Friday, November 6th, 2009

This is one of my little boy’s favorite Object Talks that he has on his iPod. I hear him quoting it in the other room, even though I know at age three he doesn’t get half the jokes! But he does understand prayer, and often reminds us at meals or bedtime to pray! Have you connected with God today?

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”
(via Kidology Store)

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Object Talks #001: Magnify God

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

A conversation between a young 10x magnifying glass and an older 200x microscope illustrates what it means to “Magnify the Lord” in daily life. Use this short teaching video to show the kids or to train a leader to do the talk “live.”

Featured Verse: Psalm 69:30

Source Curriculum: DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”

PurchaseOrder DiscipleTown Unit #1: “How to Worship God”
(via Kidology Store)

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An Introduction to Object Talks

It was time for a new generation of ToyBox Tales. The first three seasons were done live in Kids Church in front of a live audience and were a lot of fun, so when I started to write the DiscipleTown Kids Church Curriculum, I wanted to include a video to show kids.  However, making ToyBox Tales without a live audience just wasn’t the same. The “magic” of the ad lib in front of a live audience isn’t there when you make a video in a studio. So what did I do? I went to Walmart!

Yup! I went to the store and walked around late one night looking for a new idea. We had tried a fancy new idea with green screen that was pretty cool (maybe we’ll even post that someday), but there was no way we could produce four of those a month! My cart was overflowing with all kinds of ideas that could result in possible videos. But I needed something that I could produce quickly, still played off my wacky sense of humor, and still felt like a ToyBox Tale… even if these were scripted to ensure proper timing and professionalism that matched the excellence that DiscipleLand was bringing to the project.

I finally asked myself, “What do I want to do?”   I answered, “I want to do object lessons.” Then I asked myself, “What are you good at, I mean, what can you do without even thinking about it?”  I laughed while answering, “Pick up objects and start making them talk!” And then it HIT ME…


Instead of telling stories with action figures, I would tell stories with objects.  In contrast to just holding an object and talking about it, I would have the objects do the talking! Forget all the props… I just bought some wiggly eyes that I could put on any object.  Add in a T-shirt that matched the trademark DiscipleLand color to allow me to blend into the background, and wa-la, Object Talks were born!

The contest was tested with a sample video posted on YouTube, which allowed for some helpful feedback from family and friends.  It was then perfected and reshot for curriculum usage, which is what you can view above.  Enjoy!