Archive for the ‘Special Edition’ Category

Trash Talk!

Sunday, January 25th, 2004

This Special WWJD Special Episode is almost ruined when the WWF shows up instead! But even pro wrestlers can learn to do what Jesus would do!

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A Toybox Tale Christmas!

Sunday, December 21st, 2003

Here it is by popular demand!  Since I knew I would be out of town this year on Christmas Sunday, I wanted to produce a very special Toybox tale for my kids in my absence. So my KC Krew and I made a special Toybox tale that was then edited and scored by our youth pastor, Pastor Jim Crouter.  Over three hours of filming went into this ten minute tale that covers the whole story of Christmas in a rather unique manner! It concludes with Mr. T. leading the whole cast in “Away in a Manger.” Enjoy!

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