Davey Learns “Self” Control
Davey creates a robot of himself that he can “self” control to overpower the bully that’s been bothering him. Jesus made a surprise visit and Davey made his robot help the bully instead. Davey learns that “self” control is important whether someone is watching or not!
OH NO! Looks like Kermit’s got some competition, and he isn’t too happy about it!
Davey invents a new way to ‘self’ control himself!
That big bully is no threat now!
The ‘real’ Davey is safely away and ‘self’ controlling the super powerful robot version of himself!
All is going well until a certain Person shows up….
Jesus even has a lesson for the host of Pastor’s Karl’s Toybox!
By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, this series has ‘out takes’ after the credits. Don’t miss ’em!