Jabba the Putts
RSVP and WD40 visit Jabba the Putts who turned to the dark side. He was confronted by a young man to repent but was put in the dungeon instead. In the end, Jabba returned to the good side when the young man helped defeat a huge monster.
RSVP and WD40 visit Jabba the Putts.
Jabba the Putts turned to the dark side and did evil things. A young man told him to repent and turn to God. Jabba just laughed and plunged him to the dungeon.
A huge monster attacked the house of Jabba and challenged someone to fight him.
The young man volunteered to fight the monster if Jabba would turn to God. Jabba agreed and the young man defeated the monster by creating an illusion to be really big.
Jabba was happy and turned back to the good side.
March 29th, 2009 at 6:19 am
I love Toy Box Tales and I love Lego Star Wars,so I really love it and the Funny parts. I said I really Really love it.